HPCS-Infographic panel 4 - What is HPC

High Performance Cleaning

High Performance Cleaning means: “Operating cleaning services with minimal risk and maximum efficiency and effectiveness.”

The 4 HPC Principles

HPC Solutions defines high performance cleaning (HPC) as “cleaning with minimal risk and optimal performance”.

These are not just ‘fluffy’ words. It is putting Quality and Safety management into action.

We have built a super rigorous criteria framework under 4 key principles for Healthy, Sustainable, Ethical and Hygienic Cleaning practices.

In all HPC Solution’s packages, our HPC Framework is used to plan and measure cleaning services, and teach managers to:

  • Use validated and risk-assessed cleaning methods,
  • Implement quality systems and efficient workflows,
  • Continuously train and monitor their cleaning teams, and
  • Achieve measurably higher standards of cleanliness.

Use High Performance Cleaning to tackle COVID-19

Cleaners are essential workers in the fight against this coronavirus pandemic. The cost of NOT performing cleaning services to the highest standards of health and hygiene could be devastating – for cleaners and building occupants alike.

Check out the Guide to Cleaning for COVID-19 written by Director Bridget Gardner, to get a taste of high performance cleaning into action.

High Performance Cleaning Framework

4 High Performance Cleaning Principles

Why high performance cleaning is critical to your success

If you’re a service provider, your employees are your product. Their performance can make or break your success.

If you employ cleaners to maintain your facility, be it a shopping centre, public venue or restaurant, poor standards of hygiene can damage your reputation. In aged care and healthcare centres, poor cleaning standards can literally be life-threatening.

Let’s compare the risks of poor cleaning performance with high performance cleaning:

Develop your own High Performance Cleaning program

High performance cleaning is now more important than ever.

Coronavirus has raised public awareness about the importance of cleaning well to maintain surfaces in a hygienically clean state.

There is so much to gain by cleaning well including preventing absenteeism and improving productivity and general well-being.

Our indoor environments harbour many biological hazards that cleaning well can prevent or remove:

Prevent toxic chemicals on surfaces and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air, and

Remove mould, fungus and germs, including drug-resistant bacteria and emerging viruses like SARS-CoV-2.

Experts agree that we will never go ‘back to normal’. We must learn to manage these threats with knowledge and smarter hygiene practices.

Read more about how we can help you to develop your own High Performance Cleaning Program

or click below to book a free 30 minute session with High Performance Cleaning specialist, Bridget Gardner.

Book a Discovery Call to find out more!